Norman R Crepon DMD

A family dental practice with a kind, patient, friendly and skilled staff.

Services Provided

Dr. Crepon and staff provide expert care including but not limited to...

Check ups




Gum care



Root Canals

Gum Care


Children’s dental care

dentist smiling in his office in Connecticut

Giving you a reason to smile since 1984


hear what our patients say about us


So glad a friend referred me to Dr Crepon. He is a caring person and explains everything he is doing and why . I probably would have lost my teeth in the near future if not for Dr Crepon.


Vital Review


Great Dentist and a well run office. Been seeing him for years. He is absolutely the best! He isn't willing to sacrifice quality to jam-pack his schedule and do shoddy work.


Google Review


Thank you Dr. Crepon for the great experience and quality work you have done on my teeth. you will find far far fewer quality dentists than Dr. Crepon... I've been there. This dentist is a gem!


Vital Review


So glad a friend referred me to Dr Crepon. He is a caring person and explains everything he is doing and why . I probably would have lost my teeth in the near future if not for Dr Crepon.


Vital Review


Great Dentist and a well run office. Been seeing him for years. He is absolutely the best! He isn't willing to sacrifice quality to jam-pack his schedule and do shoddy work.


Google Review


Thank you Dr. Crepon for the great experience and quality work you have done on my teeth. you will find far far fewer quality dentists than Dr. Crepon... I've been there. This dentist is a gem!


Vital Review